Privacy Policy

General info

Owner and Data Controller

Enterwell d.o.o.
Koranska ulica 2, 10000 Zagreb
OIB: 44617144415


Data we collect

In general, we are not trying to automatically collect any personal data about our visitors.

But, there are some situations where your data could be transmitted to us.

When you access our website

When you access our website, our servers could get the following data:

  • IP address – your public IP address
  • Platform – the platform from which you are accessing our website
  • User-agent – the type of your internet browser

Your devices send this information automatically and we use this information only to achieve communication.

When you send us an email

When you send an email to Enterwell, it means that you have voluntarily opened communication with us for the purpose of potential cooperation.

By doing so, we will receive your email address and any other information that you may include in the correspondence.

We will store that information up to 6 months after we finish the work related to your email.

When you subscribe to our Magazine

As you know, we publish our magazine called EnterWelt. When you subscribe to our magazine, we save your email address with a third-party service called MailerLite. Because the data is sent to them, their Privacy Policy applies.

We use MailerLite to send emails to our subscribers whenever we publish a new edition of our magazine. Your email will be used solely for that purpose.

Enterwell does not store your email address on our servers. We chose MailerLite as our email sending service because according to them, they will not transfer ours or your personal data to third-parties.

If you unsubscribe from our magazine, your email will be deleted from MailerLite immediately.


Matomo analytics

For analytics purposes, we are using an on-premise and open-source solution called Matomo.

We like Matomo and here are some of the reasons why:

  • Because the application is hosted on our servers, we are not sharing this data with anyone else.
  • We are not using cookies to track our visitors.
  • European Commision is also their user, which you can see if you visit their website.

We are only interested in how many people are visiting our website and what pages are the most popular.

Because of that, we are not collecting any of your personal information or do any additional monitoring.


How we process the collected data

We take appropriate security measures to prevent an unauthorized access to your data.

Data processing is done by using computers or other IT enabled tools while following organizational procedures based on best-practices.

Your data will be processed strictly for the intended purposes. We will not use your data for any other purpose.

Your data may be accessible to certain types of persons in charge within our Company (administration, system administration, etc.) or to external parties such as third-party technical service providers, hosting providers, internet service providers, etc.

The updates list of these parties may be requested from the Owner at any time.

Sharing your data

We respect your privacy and we do not share your data with any other entities.

However, it is possible that your data will be shared with our third-service providers (like our email provider, hosting provider, etc.) but only for the purpose of communicating to you.

All data is transmitted using secure protocols.

Where is your data stored

Your data is securely stored on our servers located in Frankfurt, Germany.


Concerning cookies

Enterwell’s website by default does not use cookies.
If you somehow manage to provoke the website to give you a cookie, that cookie will be of a necessary first-party technical type.

Almost every website on the internet uses cookies to save basic information about the specific visitor of the website.
And that is perfectly fine – as long as you are respecting your visitor’s privacy.

For example, if you visit a website from Europe you will probably see the notification informing you about how they use cookies. You don’t want to read that so you just click the biggest button in hope that this notification will disappear.
As soon as you hit that button, the website gives you a cookie with the information that you already accepted their cookie policy. So the next time when you visit the website, the notification will not appear.

You see, in order to show you the message about cookies, the website needs to use cookies. Funny, but ok. Cookies are also used for logins, saving you light/dark theme preferences, etc.

But, this is where it can get dark.
Any website can within itself, insert the scripts from other pages. And you may not even know about it. This gives the third-parties an option to track your behavior. While they are tracking you, they also give you a cookie with an unique ID. Now, if you visit other sites that also use these scripts from the same place, they can keep following you because of the unique ID cookie they gave you. Do this a lot, and you end up being tracked all over the internet.

Now imagine that third-party is a big company that doesn’t have your best intentions in mind. They can easily track you over vast number of websites and exploit the data against your best interest.

Make note that this is NOT a cookie problem. Cookies are just the easiest way to do it.

If you have actually read everything we have written so far, we salute you. Please, send us an email and tell us how do you feel about cookies and about our site in general. Perhaps we could send you something as a thank you.

Cookies and embeddable content

If you see any kind of embeddable content from third-parties on our website (YouTube video, Vimeo video, etc.), you can rest assured that it will not automatically give you cookies and track you.

You could receive the cookies from third-parties only after you click on that content and give your consent.


Your rights

If you wish to review, update or delete the data we have collected from you, send us an email and we will process your request within 30 days.

Deleted data may be kept in backup for up to 3 months. Backup is used only for disaster recovery.

By using this website, you consent to our privacy policy.


If you have any questions, you can email us at

Changes to this Privacy policy

  • May 25, 2018: First version published
  • December 9, 2022: Migrated to a new website and updated the Analytics section
  • March 17, 2023: Changed the official address
  • July 7, 2023: Added the part about Magazine subscription